Image of garden tools, soil and plant

Unleash Your Green Thumb: The 5 Garden Jobs to Tackle This Season!

Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos

Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Forest-Master-Sales

The end of winter is nigh and very soon, it will be a wonderful time of year for garden jobs. The weather is starting to warm up, the evenings are longer as well as lighter, and plants are starting to bloom. It’s the perfect time to get out in your garden and carry out those long-awaited choirs around your space.

Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a beginner, along with approximately 27 million keen others, there are plenty of garden jobs you can do over the spring to get your garden in top shape.

We’ve thought about it here at Forest Master HQ and picked five that we’d suggest you look to do in time for the warmer seasons.


Now that we’re well into spring, there is no better time to tackle those pruning jobs around trees, shrubs and other plants around the garden.

This would involve removing any dead or diseased branches or plants and clipping away any outgrowth that’s either crossing over each other or growing in a direction that it shouldn’t be. It’s key not to over-prune as this could result in both damaging and preventing your plant from growing properly.

Clippers demonstrating pruning as part of garden jobs


When it comes to weeding, this will be one of the most repetitive jobs you will do around the garden but can easily be managed – depending on the size of your garden. 

It’s key, when it comes to removing weeds, that both plant and root are removed – this prevents them from growing back. 

Using products can also cause harm to your garden, but there are many different resources that offer ways to manage weeding around your space safely, whilst protecting the environment, at the same time.      


Mulching may sound like it’s something to go straight into your garden waste bin, but it has its uses that can help create a healthy environment for your plants and trees. 

Sprinkling, mulched wood chips, straw, leaves and even cardboard can help retain moisture and suppress weed growth around your garden, leaving your plants to grow healthy and in fantastic condition over Spring and Summer. 

Best of all, we could help even more with your Mulching by looking here


This is part of Spring that we feel most gardeners will be tackling and focusing on – planting. 

Introducing new flowers, trees, and vegetables will be high on many people’s lists, as well as tidying up, as they almost run to their local garden store to pick out the seeds, pots and packs they will be giving most of their attention to.

There’s plenty to choose from, and it all depends on what mood you’re in or what colour you’d like your garden to focus on. The Nation do have favourites that you could look into such as, Sunflowers, Irises, Roses, Dahlias and Lillies.

Key elements to take into account when it comes to adding plants to your garden would be, adding compost and fertiliser, making sure it’s planted correctly (obvious, we know) and that it receives plenty of water and sunlight, too.


Cleaning & Maintenance

Finally, it might slip down the pecking order on the ‘to-do’ list, and that’s cleaning gardening equipment.

From digging tools to chippers, they all need to be checked and maintained to prolong their lifespan and work consistently around the garden, such as sharping blades in your lawnmower or chipper – avoiding any annoyance of waiting for parts or nipping to a shop to frantically replace items which could delay those chores.

Even make sure items like your hoses, sprinklers (if you have them) and even watering cans are checked for any slack parts, holes or leaks, just so you’re not caught short, especially when the Summer weather arrives. 

From the Infographic below, the average size of a UK Garden is 188 meters squared. So make sure that you set sections up to focus on during the day or weekend, just so you’re avoiding rushing around or trying to do everything all at once.

Whether you’re pruning, weeding, mulching, planting, or cleaning and maintaining your tools, there’s plenty to keep you busy. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a beautiful and healthy garden that you can enjoy all season long.

Getting into gardening doesn’t have to be something to try when you’re older. 54% of Millennials that start gardening prefer it to going out to nightclubs. But don’t take our word for it, check out our infographic around the different statistics about gardening.

Green Modern Informational Data Infographic
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